Charlottesville Clergy Collective Letter in Support of
Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde
The Charlottesville Clergy Collective is a group of over fifty faith leaders representing over ten different faith traditions. We gather regularly to address the challenge of racial justice and overall equity in the Charlottesville-Albemarle Region of Central Virginia.
We write to honor and support Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde. Further, we affirm and join in the heartfelt prayer offered in her recent sermon: “May God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, to speak the truth to one another in love, and walk humbly with each other and our God.”
We are inspired by Rev. Budde’s faithfulness to Biblical and Christian teachings and by similar teachings from Rev. Dr. William Barber who speaks movingly of the dangers of “trying to worship God without a conscience (which) makes us silent when we ought to be speaking.”
We, too, teach and preach spiritual practices that offer mercy, compassion, and justice as consistent with the scriptures in each of our faith communities. We stand firmly and proudly with Bishop Budde and support her leadership and courage in representing the fundamental teachings of faith traditions everywhere.
Rev. Brenda Brown-Grooms, New Beginnings Christian Community
Rev. Sandra Wisco, Lutheran, ELCA
Rev. Dr. Eugene Locke, Retired clergy, Westminster Presbyterian
Laura DeVault, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
Apostle Sarah A. Kelley, Faith, Hope and Love In’tl Healing and Deliverance Center
David K Garth, Westminster PC, (PCUSA)
Susan Kaufman, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
Dr. Sharon Beckman-Brindley, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
Rev. Mildred Best, Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Harry Kennon, United Methodist, Retired
Rev. Julie Nitzsche, Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. Liz Emrey, American Baptist
Richard Lord, Activists' Guide
Susan Steinberg, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)
Pam Marraccini, Cloud Floating Free Sangha
Rev. Dr. James Bundy, United Church of Christ, ret.
Rev. Karen Mann, Sojourners United Church of Christ
Renee O’Connell, Unity of Charlottesville Christian
Marian M. Ware, Episcopal
Deborah Healey, Saint Paul's Memorial Church
Kate Fraleigh, Sojourners United Church of Christ
Rebekah Menning, Grace Church | Red Hill (Episcopal)
Rev. Ellen Longmoore, Unitarian Universalist
Virginia S. Craven, Unity of Charlottesville
Burnet Davis, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville
Joy Stallings, Divine love
Rev. Leia Durland-Jones, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville
Cindy Poots Remington, Charlottesville First United Methodist Church
Jeanne van Gemert, Buddhist
Ann Caulkins, Church of Our Saviour
Priya Curtis, Humanist
Kathy Rinehart, Charlottesville Friends Meeting
Russ Linden, Congregation Beth Israel/Jewish
Ann Benner, Charlottesville Friends Meeting
Rev. Don Lansky, Unity of Charlottesville
Kristina Curtis, Buddhist Natural Dharma Foundation
Rev. T F (Skip) Irby, Jr, Trinity Episcopal Church
Linda David, G-d
Deborah Garth, Westminster Presbyterian Church
W. N. Martin, the world
Rev. James Hassmer, retired United Methodist clergy
Phyllis Wilson, First United Methodist Church, Charlottesville
Matthew Tennant, University Baptist Church
Allen Hench, Westminster Presbyterian
Shirley Pohl, Unitarian
Barbara Oblinger, Trinity Episcopal Charlottesville
Michael Cheuk, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Jeannine Orejudos, Charlottesville Vineyard Church/Vineyard USA
Grace Jackson, Church of the Resurrection
We write to honor and support Episcopal Bishop Mariann Budde. Further, we affirm and join in the heartfelt prayer offered in her recent sermon: “May God grant us the strength and courage to honor the dignity of every human being, to speak the truth to one another in love, and walk humbly with each other and our God.”
We are inspired by Rev. Budde’s faithfulness to Biblical and Christian teachings and by similar teachings from Rev. Dr. William Barber who speaks movingly of the dangers of “trying to worship God without a conscience (which) makes us silent when we ought to be speaking.”
We, too, teach and preach spiritual practices that offer mercy, compassion, and justice as consistent with the scriptures in each of our faith communities. We stand firmly and proudly with Bishop Budde and support her leadership and courage in representing the fundamental teachings of faith traditions everywhere.
Rev. Brenda Brown-Grooms, New Beginnings Christian Community
Rev. Sandra Wisco, Lutheran, ELCA
Rev. Dr. Eugene Locke, Retired clergy, Westminster Presbyterian
Laura DeVault, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
Apostle Sarah A. Kelley, Faith, Hope and Love In’tl Healing and Deliverance Center
David K Garth, Westminster PC, (PCUSA)
Susan Kaufman, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
Dr. Sharon Beckman-Brindley, Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville
Rev. Mildred Best, Mt. Zion First African Baptist Church
Rev. Dr. Harry Kennon, United Methodist, Retired
Rev. Julie Nitzsche, Aldersgate United Methodist Church
Rev. Dr. Liz Emrey, American Baptist
Richard Lord, Activists' Guide
Susan Steinberg, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A)
Pam Marraccini, Cloud Floating Free Sangha
Rev. Dr. James Bundy, United Church of Christ, ret.
Rev. Karen Mann, Sojourners United Church of Christ
Renee O’Connell, Unity of Charlottesville Christian
Marian M. Ware, Episcopal
Deborah Healey, Saint Paul's Memorial Church
Kate Fraleigh, Sojourners United Church of Christ
Rebekah Menning, Grace Church | Red Hill (Episcopal)
Rev. Ellen Longmoore, Unitarian Universalist
Virginia S. Craven, Unity of Charlottesville
Burnet Davis, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville
Joy Stallings, Divine love
Rev. Leia Durland-Jones, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Charlottesville
Cindy Poots Remington, Charlottesville First United Methodist Church
Jeanne van Gemert, Buddhist
Ann Caulkins, Church of Our Saviour
Priya Curtis, Humanist
Kathy Rinehart, Charlottesville Friends Meeting
Russ Linden, Congregation Beth Israel/Jewish
Ann Benner, Charlottesville Friends Meeting
Rev. Don Lansky, Unity of Charlottesville
Kristina Curtis, Buddhist Natural Dharma Foundation
Rev. T F (Skip) Irby, Jr, Trinity Episcopal Church
Linda David, G-d
Deborah Garth, Westminster Presbyterian Church
W. N. Martin, the world
Rev. James Hassmer, retired United Methodist clergy
Phyllis Wilson, First United Methodist Church, Charlottesville
Matthew Tennant, University Baptist Church
Allen Hench, Westminster Presbyterian
Shirley Pohl, Unitarian
Barbara Oblinger, Trinity Episcopal Charlottesville
Michael Cheuk, Cooperative Baptist Fellowship
Jeannine Orejudos, Charlottesville Vineyard Church/Vineyard USA
Grace Jackson, Church of the Resurrection
Worship and study with these congregations online
Visit/Subscribe to these congregation’s online pages for worship, studies, and/or devotions! This list was compiled during the pandemic at the request of congregation leaders to promote their online services. Congregations on this list in no way endorse any CCC public statements or any content that appears in our weekly newsletter.
- Aldersgate United Methodist Church - Facebook
- All Souls Charlottesville - Facebook
- Baha'i of Charlottesville - Facebook
- Bethel Church of God in Christ - Sundays, 6 pm on Cville Public Access, Comcast Ch. 13. Weds 7:30 pm; Sundays 10:00 am on Google Hangouts. Email Pastor Ward for invitation.
- Broadus Memorial Baptist - Youtube, Facebook
- Buck Mountain Episcopal Church Earlysville - Website
- Charlottesville Church of Christ - Sundays at 9:45 am, Wednesdays at 7 pm: Zoom link, Password: 990. Website.
- Charlottesville Friends Meeting - Facebook; Online worship
- Charlottesville Mennonite - Facebook
- Church of Our Saviour - Youtube
- Cloud Floating Free Sangha - Website, Facebook. Email for information.
- Ebenezer Baptist - Youtube, Facebook
- Faith, Hope, & Love International Healing and Deliverance Center - Website
- First Presbyterian - Website
- First United Methodist - Youtube, Facebook
- Hinton Ave. United Methodist - Facebook
- Insight Meditation Community of Charlottesville - Website
- Islamic Society of Central Virginia - Facebook
- Mt. Zion First African Baptist - Youtube, Facebook, Website
- New Beginnings Christian Community - Website
- Olivet Presbyterian - Website, Youtube
- Peace Lutheran, ELCA - Website
- Peakland Baptist, Lynchburg - Facebook, Sermons
- Sojourner’s United Church of Christ - Facebook
- St. Mark Lutheran - Facebook
- St. Paul’s Episcopal - Website
- Tabor Presbyterian - Website
- Trinity Episcopal - Website
- Trinity Presbyterian - Youtube
- Unitarian Universalist Church - Online worship
- Unity of Charlottesville - Facebook, Website
- University Baptist - Youtube, Facebook
- Wesley Memorial United Methodist - Youtube, Facebook
- Westminster Presbyterian - Online worship